HMNZS Manawanui (A09)

At Portsmouth further equipment added- ship left Portsmouth on 10/4/88 – five day voyage to Gibraltar.

Displacement: 105 tonnes.

A few details. National Museum of the Royal New Zealand Navy All rights reserved. Usual issues with new ship found, compass and bow thruster needed repairs which were found to be serious in Gib. A Navy spokesperson said the HMNZS Manawanui (A09) was built in 1979 in the United Kingdom as a diving support vessel for North Sea oil rig operations.

Renamed HMNZS Manawanui, she was purchased in 2018, and spent the next year refitting in Europe. Laid Down: 8 December 1979. McRaes Global was requested to provide a complete upgrade on the existing 4 point anchoring system. Manawanui replaces HMNZS Resolution in the survey role, and HMNZS Manawanui (A09) in the diving support role. The exercise went very well as the crane operator and dive deck crew learned very quickly to be effective.Ship’s company repairs zodiacs that the SAS had written offMakes passage to Matai bay to contribute to Exercise Normandy – landing exercises with NZ Army/SAS teams in Nydia Sound – have to deal with civilian boats as it is labour Weekend 1989.Platoon of D Company embarked at Nydia Bay for Exercise Normandy – rendezvousAt Deep Bay – platoon used 4 [m] to carry out the landing exercise – at Harvey bay platoon picked up – fully armed and camouflaged, shocks the locals who had no idea the men were there.Finish exercise Normandy – on LMM injured and taken to Blenheim. Included are details about the modern and currently active Seasprite Helicopters. HMNZS MANAWANUI A09 – WI-CAMS WINCH CONTROL & MONITORING SYSTEM. Poor preparation during the 1988 refit and unsympathetic upper-decks design create a perfect environment for corrosion – on the other hand the living quarters well designed and in good condition20/7 undertakes ROV exercises to locate the Minato Maru – also in Hauraki Gulf and off Coromandel 30/7/89 – takes part in a diving display on Princess Wharf31/7/89 – ODT embarked for explosive ordnance disposal – also does DG at rangeCarries out a survey of the ordnance dumps west of Cuvier IslandSuccessfully for the first time supplies three working divers supplied by the one air system. Manawanui is a Māori word meaning "to be brave or steadfast". These testimonials provide a unique insight into the naval life of men and women during war and peace. Information about the vessel may be found at IMO 7803322. Category:HMNZS Manawanui (A09) From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Find out what naval terms like “Splice the Mainbrace” mean and read about Mascots in the Navy – including HMS New Zealand’s mascot- a bulldog named Pelorus JackRead about military air power in both the Royal Navy and the Royal New Zealand Navy. Edda Fonn in the Netherlands in 2016.

Find out what naval terms like “Splice the Mainbrace” mean and read about Mascots in the Navy – including HMS New Zealand’s mascot- a bulldog named Pelorus JackRead about military air power in both the Royal Navy and the Royal New Zealand Navy. A Norwegian-built vessel, she was purchased by the Royal New Zealand Navy for use as a diving support and hydrographic survey ship, after the RNZN examined a pool of 150 possible vessels for the job. – resumed 3-5/10/89 failures of kit prevented the anchor being found anchor replaced 6/10/89 – diving equipment removed and computers added for operations with the RNZIR and UKSAS.Leaves DNB – deployed the HX29 for a shelf noise trial with HMNZS Captain R J Eckford’s daughter Miranda christened aboard ship – CN RA S F Teagle presentBoarded ODT and 4 UKSAS personnel – had ,issued a Hercules pickup so drove south – had an accident at Bulls and then another flight to Wellington – sight of “the southerly rollers and 50knot southerlies on departure…was enough for all four to wish the day had never happened and beat a hasty retreat to their bunks.”17 October do recovery of airdropped supplies, boats and their crews – using [m]’s four Zodiacs. Ship did drills and maintenance and arrived in Cochin on 14/5/88Stayed there from 15/5-17/5 hosted by Indian navy- left port but a port main engine salt water cooling pipe burst when rust gave way – return to port and repairs made. Read about the history of NZ Coastal Defences and Enemy Operations in NZ Waters.The Navy is steeped in customs and tradition and these play an important role in Navy life today. Uploaded to flickr by user kees tom.MV Edda Fonn was launched in 2003. 85m (278 feet) long, Manawanui is capable of 13 knots, and has a range of 7,000 nautical miles. The recounting of the testimony can be emotional for an interviewee who may never have discussed the details of his or her experiences with anyone before. Dive bell operated successfully 18/9/89 – another first was a dive to 50m at Gannet Rock by three members of the ODT – diving using Heliox equipment – the LP system could supply three divers with air at 50m but they could not do any work.25/9 find that the buoys for the DG range semi-submerged and a hazard to shipping – also thought it was not worth the effort to degauss for one-off pieces of kit on [m]30/9/89 loses starboard after anchor when setting up for ODT training in 50m – broke off at 50cm from the cable/anchor join[m] Began search for anchor 2-10-89  – could not search at 53m needed ROV and extra tanks.

She was commissioned 7 June, 2019. Read about the history of NZ Coastal Defences and Enemy Operations in NZ Waters.The Navy is steeped in customs and tradition and these play an important role in Navy life today.

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HMNZS Manawanui (A09)

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