Sharktopus death Battle

Dark Pit: ALRIGHT, The Combatant are- *Shoots a shark with his weapon* Set. He can also climb walls. He killed Conan O' Brien, man! Or will Sharktopus have a scaly snack?

Wiz: He not only defeated the kraang but single handedly dominated the ninja turtles for half of the battle until Leonardo ultimately beat him. I think. Wiz: Sharktopus doesn't destroy his enemies by simply chasing them.

DP: *Pulls Scott arm out, only for his arm to come off. Sharktopus is a hybrid animal created when the U.S. Navy commissioned a scientist named Nathan Sands and his Blue Water group to genetically engineer a super-weapon. As the slaughter continues the two monsters came face to face. SP: Ok, we're in the bunker, to hide from theses raining sharks.. DP: Anyway, Scientist Nathan Sands, played by The Maste- er I mean Eric Roberts, was hired to make a super weapon.

DP: Yeah, He was killed by voodoo magic. He was at one time, a member of the Suicide Squad. He has a duel bladed chainsaw, a Chainsaw sword, a Pirate Sword, Bombs, Duel Machine guns. Furthermore, Sharktopus can also move on land freely and reproduce asexually through an eggsac or from a severed tentacle. Sharktopus Eaten 13 Captain Jack Sharktopus Killed 14 Unnamed Person Sharktopus Killed 15 One unnamed person Sharktopus Killed 16-17 2 Unnamed Person Sharktopus Killed 18 Unnamed Person Sharktopus Eaten 19 Kevin Sharktopus Killed 20 Maria Sharktopus Killed 21 Santos Sharktopus Killed 22 The Fire Dancer Sharktopus Eaten 23 Unnamed Person Sharktopus The civilians are going about their lives relaxing at the beach with not a care in the world....that is until a surfer is knocked off his board and eaten by sharktopus, he then crawls onto the beach grabbing humans and eating them. Scott Pilgrim: And it's our job to analyze their armors, weapons, and skills to find out who could win.. a Death Battle. Scott: While he may be able to survive sharknado's, He is just a norman human, and he sometimes discards weapons for no random reason, but Fin will destroy every sharknado in his way for the human race and his family.

Dark Pit: The dude has a Laser chainsaw, Golden Chainsaw, a Regular Chainsaw, like seriously. Fin: Let's go show them what it means to be a hero. DP: Too bad they killed sharktopus off in that film.

Dark Pit: ALRIGHT, The Combatant are- *Shoots a shark with his weapon* Set. DP: Yeah, He was killed by voodoo magic. How did Sharktopus win this battle. Funny, right? Continue … It's tentacles are strong enough to lift a great white shark out of the water.

Death Battle Info . DP: Soon however, Sharktopus escaped, and reeked havoc in Puerto Vallarta. He has the bite force of two great white sharks And has 2 rows of sharp teeth. Dark Pit: His arsenal includes... WHY ARE MOST OF THESE THINGS CHAINSAWS?!!?! Scott: He does have a pistol, shotgun, and a baseball bat. (Sharktopus roars) DEATH BATTLE. DP: Soon however, Sharktopus escaped, and reeked havoc in Puerto Vallarta. His tentacles are extremely powerful and a shark's bite is amongst some of the strongest in the sea. Riding a shark, killing them with nothing but a chainsaw, and somehow they blow up. Dark Pit: He survived atmospheric Re-entry inside of a shark, destroy a NUKENADO. Despite being killed, taking Sands with it, Sharktopus survived through various means and fights other monsters while sating its lust for human flesh. Soon, however, He became a hero among people because he defeated that Damn 'Sharknado' 4 times! Let's go show them what it means to be a New Yorker! Wiz: If there's one thing that is tearing this world apart is the hybrid monsters that science creates. DP: Too bad they killed sharktopus off in that film. He also destroyed a sharknado by literally doing this. The new one looked like this. But during a demonstration off the coast of Santa Monica involving drug traffickers being eaten, the device that Sands used to control Sharktopus malfunctioned and the creature escapes the control of its creator while going on a rampage in Puerto Vallarta. Other names: Hybrid, I-Rex, Untamable King, Indominus Sponsored by: … Scott Pilgrim: In 2013, Los Angeles suffered a hurricane, but soon these hurricanes picked up sharks, and soon had caused tornados, which picked up the sharks, making a 'Sharknado'. Scott: While he may be able to survive sharknado's, He is just a norman human, and he sometimes discards weapons for no random reason, but Fin will destroy every sharknado in his way for the human race and his family.

Wiz: sharktopus has a total of 8 tentacles, all ending with a spike, that can easily grab or share anything it's after. He has superhuman strength in his tentacles, teeth and jaws.

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Sharktopus death Battle

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