cicero philippics 2

He whose quæstor you had been when general, whose master of the horse when he was dictator, to whom you had been the chief cause of war, the chief instigator of cruelty, the sharer of his plunder, his son, as you yourself said, by inheritance, proceeded against you for the money which you owed for the house and gardens, and for the other property which you had bought at that sale. Although, indeed, (as your most intimate friends usually say,) you are in the habit of declaiming, not for the purpose of whetting your genius, but of working off the effects of wine. Consider, I beg you, Marcus Antonius, do some time or other consider the republic: think of the family of which you are born, not of the men with whom you are living. Did he think that it was easiest to disparage me in the senate? In truth, I am afraid that it must be considered either a not very creditable thing to them, that they should have concealed the fact of my being an accomplice; or else a most discreditable one to me that I was invited to be one, and that I shirked it.

IV. There you did not put me to death. As to mine, I myself will declare what that shall be.

Philippic 2. positions of responsibility: only to me has it given one for saving it. Alas for the unhappy house itself!

Although, in truth, that action was, as you used to say, an advantage to every one who was not willing to be a slave, still it was so to you above all men, who are not merely not a slave, but are actually a king; who delivered yourself from an enormous burden of debt at the temple of Ops; who, by your dealings with the account books, there squandered a countless sum of money; who have had such vast treasures brought to you from Cæsar’s house; at whose own house there is set up a most lucrative manufactory of false memoranda and autographs, and a most iniquitous market of lands, and towns, and exemptions, and revenues. XLII. But a man whom you never even saw, Lucius Rubrius, of Casinum, made you his heir. In truth, if you had done so, you would more have consulted your own character and your reputation for chastity. When victorious, you returned with the legions from Thessaly to Brundusium. I defended the republic as a young man, I will not abandon it now that I am old. What place is there either so deserted or so uncivilized, as not to seem to greet and to covet the presence of those men wherever they have arrived? And if any one should institute a prosecution against you, and employ that test of old Cassius, “who reaped any advantage from it?” take care, I advise you, lest you suit that description. Although you are devoid of all sense and all feeling,—as in truth you are,—still you are acquainted with yourself, and with your trophies, and with your friends. Behold, the day of the comitia for the election of Dolabella arrives.

It is not so much a proof of audacity to advance these statements so impudently, as of utter want of sense to be unable to see their contradictory nature. For Marcus Varro used it as a place of retirement for his studies, not as a theatre for his lusts. more deserving of every sort of punishment? For who can be happier than those men whom you boast of having now expelled and driven from the city? What a man, O ye immortal gods! Of all this in a few days there was nothing left. In which, however, Cæsar was more fortunate than I, for he himself drew off Pompeius from his intimacy with me. Although in this particular I admit that you have been more fortunate than I. Mark now, O conscript fathers, the rest of his life, which I will touch upon rapidly. The first class is called. XXXVI. And what posterity will be ever so forgetful, what literature will ever be found so ungrateful, as not to cherish their glory with undying recollection? …of August, and his 14 Philippic orations (so called in imitation of Demosthenes’ speeches against Philip II of Macedonia), the first delivered on Sept. 2, 44, the last on April 21, 43, mark his vigorous reentry into politics. Was I not to plead against an injustice which that man procured to be done by the obsequiousness of a most iniquitous interposer of his veto, not by any law regulating the privileges of the prætor? I have replied to your heaviest accusations, I must now also reply to the rest of them. Yes, your consulship, forsooth, is a salutary one for the state, mine a mischievous one. And that language of mine was well known to many people,—“I wish, O Cnæus Pompeius, that you had either never joined in a confederacy with Caius Cæsar, or else that you had never broken it off.

But afterwards, when Pompeius joined Cæsar with all his heart, what could have been my object in attempting to separate them then? Dolabella inveighed against him with much more fluency and premeditation than I am doing now. The first of January arrives.

By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. You again became intimate with him; I am sure I do not know how.

He had already brought a free city, partly by fear, partly by patience, into a habit of slavery. What deed was ever more deservedly recommended to the everlasting recollection of men? For I confess that you could have done it. O ye good gods, how little did that attempt suit you! Since OCR invites us to parachute right into the middle of Philippic 2, here is a quick orientation of where exactly in the text we are when we reach § 44: after his opening statement (§§ 1-2) and his rebuttal of Antony’s attack on him (§§ 3-41), Cicero spends the following two paragraphs inveighing against his adversary’s skills as a public speaker, with particular reference to Antony’s oratorical efforts in the … The vote is declared; he is still silent. Why need I say much on such a subject? Having for many years aimed at being a king, he had with great labour, and much personal danger, accomplished what he intended. But who are they whom Antonius does consult? What defence can be made for such beastly behaviour? O ye immortal gods, they are men whose birthdays we have still to learn. It is impossible. Have you so entirely lost all shame as well as all chastity, that you could venture to say this in that temple in which I was consulting that senate which formerly in the full enjoyment of its honours presided over the world? And accordingly, what place did you obtain about Cæsar’s person after his return from Africa?

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cicero philippics 2

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