lines dividing 9 quadrants of abdomen

Langer lines. Now let’s look at the abdominal regions in the middle column. In most basic anatomy courses, professors probably don’t expect you to memorize a list of the organs you’ll find in each region, but try to get a general understanding of where the organs are located.Ready to test your knowledge? Unlike the regions on the left and right side columns, these regions are named after their location If you need a quick memory trick to keep these regions straight, remember that for the side columns, the names are the same from top to bottom: Hypochondriac, then Lumbar, and then Iliac (HLI). The intertubercular plane is the inferior It’s important for you to know the names and locations of these nine regions, so here are some tips for remembering them:First, let’s cover the right and left columns, because they have the same exact name (distinguished by a left or right prefix), and they are named after the bones to which they are nearest.

Registered Nurse, Free Care Plans, Free NCLEX Review, Nurse Salary, and much more. Nine regions of the abdomen can be marked using two horizontal and two vertical dividing lines. When visiting a doctor, the medical professional will usually working within the 9 regions of the abdomen to work out what is causing your pain and discomfort or symptoms, and this will be systematic. The human abdomen is divided into quadrants and regions by anatomists and physicians for the purposes of study, diagnosis, and treatment. The quadrants are referred to as the left lower quadrant, left upper quadrant, right upper quadrant and right lower quadrant. Take our free (and quick!) The vertical lines are drawn on either side through the midpoint between anterior superior iliac spine and symphysis pubis. The abdomen is also divided into nine regions by two vertical midclavicular lines, a superior horizontal line, the subcostal, and an inferior horizontal line, the intertubercular. As elsewhere on the human body, the abdominal skin is transgressed by Langer lines, also called cleavage lines.

When looking at the abdomen from the front of the body, it can be broken down into nine main regions, almost like a criss-cross board with lines running both horizontally and vertically. The nine regions offer more detailed anatomy and are delineated by two vertical and two horizontal lines. Abdominal surface anatomy can be described when viewed from in front of the abdomen in 2 ways: divided into 9 regions by two vertical and two horizontal imaginary planes divided into 4 quadrants by single vertical and horizontal imaginary planes Using four lines: The nine regions In addition to the four quadrants in the preceding section, the abdomen can also be divided into nine regions by two vertical lines and two horizontal lines (imagine a tic-tac-toe board), which provides for a little more accuracy when describing the location of pain or a lesion. If you plan to enter a healthcare profession such as nursing, this is something you’ll use on the job when performing abdominal assessments (and while documenting).First, let’s take a look at the four quadrants, which are created by an intersecting horizontal (transverse) plane, also called the transumbilical plane, and a median (midsagittal) plane.The four quadrants are easy to remember because they consist of a left upper quadrant (LUQ), left lower quadrant (LLQ), right upper quadrant (RUQ), and right lower quadrant (RLQ).Here are some of the major organs that you’ll find in each of the four abdominal quadrants:The nine abdominal regions divide the abdomen into even smaller sections by using two parasagittal planes that run down the middle of the clavicle bones (also called midclavicular planes) and two horizontal (transverse) planes.The superior transverse plane is called the subcostal plane, and it is located just below the ribs. See our full If you plan to enter a healthcare profession such as nursing, this is something you’ll use on the job when performing abdominal assessments (and while documenting). All Rights Reserved.This website provides entertainment value only, not medical advice or nursing protocols. Join the nursing revolution.In anatomy and physiology, you’ll learn how to divide the abdomen into nine different regions and four different quadrants. The vertical lines are the The three main centrally positioned regions are the On the sides of the abdomen the other six regions are the left and right ("Hypo-" means below; "epi-" means above; "chondron" means cartilage (in this case, the cartilage of the rib) and "gaster" means stomach. Enter your email address below and hit "Submit" to receive free email updates and nursing tips.Copyright © 2020 For the middle column, the regions are Epigastric, then Umbilical, and then Hypogastric (EUH).

The reversal of "left" and "right" is intentional, because the anatomical designations reflect the patient's own right and left.) By accessing any content on this site or its related media channels, you agree never to hold us liable for damages, harm, loss, or misinformation. These terms are not used in comparative anatomy, since most othe… Remember, a huge tip for studying anatomy is to learn common prefixes and suffixes, as they will help you over and over again!That takes care of the left and right columns.

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lines dividing 9 quadrants of abdomen

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