pirate republic? : eu4

Gave myself 3 stability. A Consortium formed of the most influential black market merchants shall be established as its true governors. 6. Still had 10% privateer trade power on my home node, capital as an island, +3 stab, was at peace and not a subject nor did I have any subject. becomes a republic. By allowing colonial companies to claim sovereignty over our undesirables, we will create harmony in the Old World and expand our influence in the New World.It is time we separate the head of government from the head of state and give the legislative assemblies of the land a larger share in the day to day rule of our state.The Chairman or President of our governing body must be elected separately from the legislative branch of government. This kind of confusion is exactly why I think this question is so relevant still.Update: I have just playtested a bit starting as Genoa. Hmm maybe I can do something tricky like release a vassal, set them free or transfer them to another player, take the decision and then reconquer it.they can't, all events that make pirate republics are here: Oh shoot, thanks. I posted the experiment as a reply to this.All your provinces have to be on an island and coastal, island is defined as anything without a direct land route to Constantinople or Panama, straits do not count as a direct land route so countries on Sicily for example can form a pirate republic. Started privateering. By building and expanding upon the old government rather than overhauling it with the new, we may prove to the reactionary governments on our border that we are still a civilized nation and a force for good in this changing world.Maratha generals and civic leaders are an important part of the balance of power in our nation. To stand any chance of survival we must rally behind our own Pirate King, and the King's word will be law.The tyrants of the world must be unseated! It will cost you at most 600 admin just to get back to 0 stability without any +stab events. We cannot allow this to happen, so by concentrating power into a council of elected individuals to represent the values of the Revolution, we strip power away from the individual at our state’s head and create another shield against the horror of absolute rulership.As a Republic the guiding principles of our state must be those that further the efficiency of the political apparatus and the political ideals.One of the primary functions of the state is to uphold good and moral values. The President is sovereign, and none may supersede the authority of the Presidency. If we shatter powers in our nation and grant greater control to the Trade Cities, we shall make our trade league much more inviting for the smaller powers who only desire the freedom and economic stability that we can provide.With the collapse of the old government, we have an opportunity to reconstruct a new legislative government which treats all people, regardless of social class, as equals. The role of the elected representatives within the Revolution should be merely to advise the President who wields absolute power over the Republic.It’s become clear that the cult of personality surrounding our ruler is rapidly returning us to the old ways of government. This is extremely bizarre and inconsistent.EDIT: Kept playing. I can only surmise you indeed NEED to be an OPM island or otherwise the decision is blocked.You can’t have over 4 provinces. I now had 20/20 ships, maximum naval capacity in only light ships.

many temporary and some permanent modifiers from events and mission

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pirate republic? : eu4

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