rayne dog food vancouver

They meet or exceed AAFCO’s nutrient profiles and match the novel ingredients of the Diagnostic Diets for easy transitions. The Kangaroo MAINT canine wet diet contains a limited number of highly digestible ingredients and provides a nutrient and ingredient profile known to benefit dogs with adverse food reactions.Rabbit-MAINT™ diets contain a limited number of highly digestible ingredients, a nutrient profile that supports gastrointestinal health, and are appropriate for elimination diet trials with novel protein sources in dogs suspected to have allergic skin or gastrointestinal diseaseCrocodilia-MAINT™ Canine dry and wet diets contain a limited number of highly digestible ingredients making them appropriate for an elimination diet trial and a maintenance option in dogs suspected to have allergic skin or gastrointestinal disease.

Alligator provides a unique novel protein source while limited carbohydrates include chickpea and potato.

To back track, my dog eats Rayne Clinical Nutrition low fat/novel protein dry food – KSP (made primarily of kangaroo and sweet potato) as she needs novel protein due to food allergies. See the diet pages for more information.Kangaroo DIAG™ canine wet diet contains a limited number of highly digestible ingredients for a diagnostic elimination trial in dogs with suspected adverse reactions to food. Crocodilia-DIAG™ canine wet and air-dried diets contain a limited number of highly digestible ingredients for a diagnostic elimination trial in dogs with suspected adverse reactions to food. Using a single, novel protein source and one carbohydrate, Kangaroo-DIAG is an incredibly simple diet designed to help diagnose food allergies and sensitivities.

A dramatically different approach to veterinary nutrition. We I have a 3.5y/o 53kg German Shepherd that i have struggled with finding an appropriate diet for.

... My names Julia and I live on Vancouver Island. Rayne diets provide Rayne believes in providing nutrients, not adding them, using more whole foods and less processed ingredients.As your pet's caregiver, there are many decisions you will need to make to raise a healthy and happy animal.

Rayne offers flat 50% OFF discount on all orders for a limited period by using Rayne Coupon Codes. Rayne is a combination of what owners want (whole food, less processed ingredients, more natural approach) and what veterinary teams need to feel confident in their recommendation (science, research, expertise, analyses, clinic support). These are simple diets (one novel protein and one or two carbohydrates) that can be fed short-term to help diagnose a food allergy in a dog or cat. If this is your first purchase with us, please proceed by clicking the following button to continue first-time registration. Rayne diets are a dramatically different approach to veterinary nutrition.Conventional pet food plants are designed to make conventional diets.

See the diet pages for more information.Low-Fat Kangaroo MAINT™ canine dry and wet diets contain a limited number of highly digestible, low fat ingredients that provide a nutrient profile that is appropriate both for fat intolerant diseases and adverse reactions to food. This summer we won free Rayne Dog Food. Inclusion of low-fat kangaroo and low-fat sweet potato results in a nutritionally complete, novel protein diet that is one of the lowest fat therapeutic diets available.

You can also give us a call … Before putting my dog on the Rayne food, she would have awful stomach and intestinal issues with frequent diarrhea. Rayne's fundamental nutritional philosophy is to provide as many nutrients as possible from whole food ingredients, adding less, supplementing less.

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rayne dog food vancouver

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