robert a taft

The hanging of the eleven men convicted will be a blot on the American record, which we shall long regret.His opposition to the trials was strongly criticized by Republicans and Democrats alike, and it is sometimes given as the main reason for his failure to secure the Republican nomination for president.

However, Dewey and other moderates convinced General Taft was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, a product of one of America's most prominent political families. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription.
Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Elected to the U.S. Senate in 1938, Taft soon established himself as a powerful influence in Washington D.C., denouncing the “socialist trends” of the With the election of a Republican majority to Congress in 1946, Taft entered a new phase of power and A steadfast isolationist, Taft opposed U.S. post-World War II involvement in world affairs through such international organizations as the Taft again sought the presidential nomination a third time in 1952, and was widely viewed as the front-runner. They did so in Little Rock last November [1951] when they elected Taft had the solid backing of the party's conservative wing. What kind of government does the United States have? Republican”; his failure to receive the presidential nomination in 1948 and 1952 was indicative of …

Republican. "The surprising Zionist: Senator Robert A. Taft and the creation of Israel." Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... He was a grandson of On October 17, 1914, he married Martha Wheaton Bowers (1889–1958),In 1917, Taft and his wife bought a 46-acre (190,000 mTaft's period of service in the Ohio state legislature was most notable for his efforts to reform and modernize the state's antiquated tax laws.Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Taft was a powerful figure in local and state political and legal circles, and he was known as a loyal Republican who never threatened to bolt the party.

Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! "Taft's loyalty to the conservative politicians who controlled Ohio's Republican Party had a price, as it often caused conflict with his younger brother, Charles, who as a local politician in Cincinnati had gained a reputation as a party Taft was elected to the first of his three terms as US Senator in During his first term in the Senate, Taft criticized what he believed was the inefficiency and waste of many New Deal programs and of the need to let private enterprise and businesses restore the nation's economy instead of relying upon government programs to end the Taft set forward a conservative domestic program that promoted limited government spending, a balanced federal budget, low taxes, pro-business policies to spur economic growth, a limited number of social welfare programs (such as On Independence Day 1945, Taft announced his intention to combat the Bretton Woods monetary agreement on the Senate floor, adding that his battle consisted of trying to add amendments to the bill through the Senate committee and that he wanted the agreement postponed until conditions had stabilized.In January 1946, after President Truman delivered a radio address calling for Americans to pressure their representatives in Congress for legislation the president called "vital", Taft asserted that Truman had chosen to follow the economic views of the Taft's greatest prominence during his first term came not from his fight against the New Deal but rather from his vigorous opposition to US involvement in the In March 1946, after the Truman administration pushed for granting I question whether the hanging of those, who, however despicable, were the leaders of the German people, will ever discourage the making of aggressive war, for no one makes aggressive war unless he expects to win. Taft represented Ohio in the United States Senate, briefly served as Senate Majority Leader, and was a leader of the conservative coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats who prevented expansion of the New Deal. Despite his bitterness at his narrow defeat and his belief that he had been unfairly ambushed by the Eisenhower forces (including Dewey), Taft issued a brief statement after the convention conveying his congratulations and support to Eisenhower. On the convention's first day, Eisenhower's managers complained that Taft's forces had unfairly denied Eisenhower supporters delegate slots in several Southern states, including Texas, where the state chairman, The addition of the uncommitted state delegations, combined with Taft's loss of many Southern delegates by the Fair Play proposal, decided the nomination in Eisenhower's favor.

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