sarah iannarone socialist

"The police have not done a good job of policing the police. I'm a mother, civic leader, and educator running for Portland Mayor. I have little sympathy for Portland at this point. Last month alone, traffic to Truthout fell by over 37%. All Rights Reserved. "It was like my Twitter account was almost serving as a mini-City Hall for trying to address the problems Portlanders were facing." And like AOC, she’s off her friggen’ nut. She said there are people on the right who want to make being anti-fascist negative and scary.“These right-wing types call me an anarchist, a communist, a terrorist, because they are afraid of progressives who stand up to bullies,” she said.Iannarone said those who support fascism shouldn’t vote for her.“It’s 2020. And like AOC, she’s off her friggen’ nut. Many of these unions refused to back any politician who participated in that vote, and this, coupled with Kreisman’s strong position on housing, has helped her to gain traction. Iannarone had called for its elimination earlier in her “If she’s elected, she said she’d push for a $50 million cut, because she said that’s what the community is asking for.“This is an amazingly easy time to be an elected official. She either thinks arson is awesome or is pandering to the arsonist constituency. There were also 99 shooting incidents compared to 35 at the same time last year.Police Chief Lovell said the city council’s decision to disband the Gun Violence Reduction Team was a mistake. Unless we raise more money to increase our distribution this will have a devastating effect. Liking our page no longer guarantees that you’ll see our posts.Become a Truthout sustainer (or make a one-time donation if you already are). In 2016, Sarah Iannarone ran to Wheeler’s left, but lost the race after local media focused on an arrest from her distant past instead of her progressive policy platform. Unless we raise more money to increase our distribution this will have a devastating effect. When a series of housing organizations began holding town halls, she attended, connecting with other struggling renters. Eudaly had been organizing with PTU to reverse the state’s ban on rent control and put restrictions on no-cause evictions. I had a child care co-op and a food co-op in my early days when I was trying to survive as a mom. Sarah Iannarone started running against Ted Wheeler in the 2016 Portland mayor's race and she's never really stopped. Three one-term mayors have preceded Wheeler (Tom Potter, Sam Adams and Charlie Hales).During her appearance on Straight Talk last month, Hardesty said Wheeler has come a long way since she first joined the council in 2018, and it takes time to finish projects and make the transformations they’re trying to make.When asked about Hardesty’s endorsement of Wheeler, Iannarone said she respects Hardesty deeply, but she said four years seems long enough to her to get things done.“If a mayor can’t be effective in four years, I’m not sure why we’d sign up for eight years,” she said.The month of July in Portland was the deadliest in 30 years.

— sarah iannarone (she/her) (@sarahforpdx) July 3, 2020. Officially, all the candidates are independent. Follow us for first access to the latest news and analysis. I think it's the overarching priority. I don’t want our country to turn into what we see on a Handmaid’s Tale,” she said.She said antifa is about standing up to white nationalists and opposing racism.“Honestly, the only bombs I’ve thrown are on my Twitter account, though I know my team wishes I wouldn’t, so that’s the most I engage in,” Iannarone said.One of those Twitter bombs was directed at Mayor Ted Wheeler. She either thinks arson is awesome or is pandering to the arsonist constituency. The campaigns were successful: The Oregon Legislature passed a moderate rent-control bill in 2019, and Portland enacted Likewise, DSA member Paige Kreisman is running in the heart of Portland’s inner city for Oregon House District 42 on a progressive platform to the left of incumbent Rob Nosse — using housing as a part of what defines her campaign. They live in completed housing,” Innarone said.Iannarone pledged to leave no stone unturned to use all the resources possible to get people into housing.Iannarone said one of her most important qualifications for being Portland’s next mayor is that she’s not a career politician. Tenant activist and commissioner candidate Black, alongside PTU, lobbied for the bill and watched as Republicans and Democrats, “The housing-hero-Dems didn’t fight to make the bill stronger, fought our attempts to get a hearing on another bill that would have lifted the local ban on rent control, and signaled very strongly after the hasty passage of the bill that they were done with tenants’ rights for the foreseeable future,” Black said PTU joined the fight to unseat Monroe in his District 24 primary that year, fought to get another tenant bill through the legislature, and now believe the time is right to start to push for candidates who will act as allies with bolder tenant support solutions. My name is Sarah Iannarone (she/her). I'm not entrenched in any particular party politics. The city’s skyrocketing cost of living has left low-income renters in Portland with few options, since median rents have risen by Housing has increasingly become a decisive issue for urban voters who are being priced out of their homes, often with little recourse.

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sarah iannarone socialist

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