survivor season 37 final 3

This prompted Kara and Mike to practice making fire. Dan played his idol for himself, but Carl used his idol nullifier against Dan, sending him to the jury with the Davids' six votes. Carl then joined the Vuku tribe, giving the Davids a 3-2 advantage. Nick was the first member of his family to go to college, and Of being a public defender, he said to CBS, “I am so proud of my self for being a public defender to help people instead of chasing money. Nick snuck off that night and retrieved the idol with only Davie knowing. Meanwhile, Alison found the fake idol, much to Angelina's pleasure. Nick realized that Alison was a physical threat, but Mike tried to target Christian. Elizabeth suggested targeting Jessica for her social connections to Carl, Bi, and Davie. At Tribal Council, Angelina was accused of jury management (particularly by Gabby) when asked about her conversation with Elizabeth, but ultimately, Elizabeth was unanimously sent to the jury. Vuku placed first and Jabeni placed second. On reward, Davie told Kara he was ready to bring in Alison and Christian to make a move against Nick. The following morning, the castaways were reunited with their loved ones: Davie’s mother Hazel, Alison’s mother Willa, Kara’s brother Eric, Nick’s father Jim, Gabby’s mother Encarnita, Angelina’s mother Anna, Mike’s boyfriend Josh, and Christian’s girlfriend Emily. The next morning, Davie continued his search for an idol and found a clue. “I was in a similar position as Nick. Jeremy then tried to convince Natalie to change her ways, but it only made him want to target her more. Dan and Kara were reunited, and some of the Goliaths (especially Angelina and Dan) wanted to stick to original tribal lines. Twenty winners of "Survivor" return to compete against one another for a prize of $2 million. The next morning, everyone searched for an idol, with Angelina finding a clue saying the idol was on top of a tall rock and that she needed to dig out a ladder to get it. NICK WILSON IS THE SURVIVOR!There were six cast members left going into the finale, and only person could win the entire thing. Kara got an idea to blindside Mike for his strong social game, and Nick considered joining her in that move. “Most importantly though, my love for people, empathy, and emotional awareness are what I credit for much of what I’ve accomplished in my 28 years of life. Still, most of the tribe affirmed their desire to vote out Natalie, but John told her that she was a target, in an attempt to align with her. At their camp, Pat took charge of building the shelter, but his bossy nature got on some of his tribemates' nerves. Nick told Davie his raft idol was fake, and Davie agreed to vote against Alison with him.

Angelina and Nick won reward, choosing Davie and Mike to join them.

Davie and Nick found a clue to an advantage, which Nick found with Carl's help; the advantage gave Nick the ability to steal another player's vote at an upcoming Tribal Council, prohibiting them from voting and allowing him to vote twice. Members of David and Goliath were still in the game toward the end.

Production. Mike was the swing vote to decide whether Carl or Alison would be eliminated; at Tribal Council, he voted to send Carl to the jury.

HE DID IT! However, this increased Natalia’s paranoia, and Alec considered siding with the Davids to blindside her.

Carl continued to campaign against Alec, but Gabby and Christian considered turning against Carl. Christian and Nick were the swing votes; at Tribal Council, they voted against Jessica, sending her out of the game. Host Jeff Probst explained the theme of the season before asking the Goliath tribe to choose who they perceived to be the weakest man and weakest woman on the David tribe, and to choose their own strongest man and strongest woman.

Kara went to Alison about the plan, but Alison also went to Mike, who was uncertain about turning against Nick. Mike became wary of Jeremy's behavior, and considered turning against him. At Vuku, Davie tried to get Alec on his side, while Elizabeth bonded with Kara, to Natalia’s chagrin.

Alison outlasted Elizabeth to win immunity. Before the final aired, some people felt Davie and Nick had the best chances to win, with Kara the longshot. Season 36 . On day 18, the three tribes merged on Tiva’s beach. Angelina campaigned against Christian as the perceived leader of the Davids. The morning after Natalia’s blindside, Kara questioned her place in the game and felt like an outcast. Elizabeth immediately had Davie help her look for an idol, but unbeknownst to her, he had already found it at that campsite. Carl told Angelina about Alec flipping on Natalia before beginning to rally votes against Elizabeth.

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survivor season 37 final 3

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