angus council complaints

Council tenants Tenants can call ACCESSLine on 03452 777 778 or report neighbour problems online. Any violence or abuse towards staff will not be accepted.Violence is not restricted to acts of aggression that may result in physical harm. Please fill in the leaflet and post to: You may call 911 if you believe it is an emergency but only do so if it appears there is criminal activity going on on the property. Where complaints involve the actions of both the social landlord and the local authority, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman and the Housing Ombudsman may decide to carry out a joint investigation . If that anger escalates into aggression towards our staff, we consider that unacceptable. Click on the link above for more information. A-Z of Services; Contact Us; Website Feedback Form. Call the Angus Council complaints line on 03452 777 778. Use this comments section to discuss problems you have had with Angus Council, or how they have handled your complaints.

This ensures that the complainant has a record of the decision.It is important that a decision can be reconsidered.

We need money to operate the site, and almost all of it comes from our online advertising. They will make their decision based on the evidence available to them. It also includes behaviour or language (whether verbal or written) that may cause staff to feel offended, afraid, threatened or abused.

Angus Museums; Angus Archives; Home Feedback Form. Suggestions and Comments.

In fact, we accept that being persistent may sometimes be a positive advantage when pursuing a complaint.However, we do consider actions that result in unreasonable demands on our office or unreasonable behaviour towards our staff to be unacceptable. We will always seek to assist someone if they have a specific, genuine difficulty complying with a request. Comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. Wherever possible, we will give a complainant the opportunity to change their behaviour or action before a decision is taken.When an Angus Council employee makes an immediate decision in response to offensive, aggressive or abusive behaviour, the complainant is advised at the time of the incident. Comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. It may occur over the life-span of a complaint when a complainant repeatedly makes long telephone calls to us or inundates us with copies of information that has been sent already or that is irrelevant to the complaint.We consider that the level of contact has become unacceptable when the amount of time spent talking to a complainant on the telephone, or responding to, reviewing and filing emails or written correspondence impacts on our ability to deal with that complaint, or with other people’s complaints.When we are looking at a complaint, we will need to ask the individual who has complained to work with us. We will try to resolve your complaint within five working days. You can choose between postal or online written contact, phoning via 03452 777 778. If they do this, we will only consider arguments that relate to the restriction and not to either the complaint made to us or to our decision to close a complaint.An appeal could include, for example, a complainant saying that:A senior member of staff who was not involved in the original decision will consider the appeal. We will judge each situation individually and appreciate individuals who come to us may be upset. Please use this form to give the council feedback about its website. We will take into account the impact on the individual and also whether there would be a broader public interest in considering the complaint further.We will always tell the complainant what action we are taking and why.Any member of Angus Council staff who directly experiences aggressive or abusive behaviour from a complainant has the authority to deal immediately with that behaviour in a manner they consider appropriate to the situation and in line with this Policy.With the exception of such immediate decisions taken at the time of an incident, decisions to restrict contact with Angus Council are only taken after careful consideration of the situation by a more senior member of staff. Sign in or register with mygovscot's myaccount service to complete this form. Tel: 03452 777 778 – Angus Council Access Line. A complainant can appeal a decision to restrict contact. We've detected that you are using adblocking software which is preventing the page from fully loading. Search this site. We aim to do this in a way that allows a complaint to progress through our process.We will try to ensure that any action we take is the minimum required to solve the problem, taking into account relevant personal circumstances including the seriousness of the complaint and the needs of the individual.Where a complainant repeatedly phones, visits the office, raises repeated issues, or sends large numbers of documents where their relevance isn’t clear, we may decide to:Where we consider continued correspondence on a wide range of issues to be excessive, we may tell the complainant that only a certain number of issues will be considered in a given period and we ask them to limit or focus their requests accordingly.In exceptional cases, we reserve the right to refuse to consider a complaint or future complaints from an individual. Complain to us. If you wish to take matters further, a range of contact options are shown on the website. Read more about how you can You can find contact details for Angus Council above. For example SW1A 2AA Find. All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.We are an independent directory of contact information that enables consumers to quickly and efficiently find appropriate contact information and discus their own complaint experiences with other internet users.Angus is one of the 32 local government council areas of Scotland, a registration county and a lieutenancy area.

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angus council complaints

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