interstellar timeline explained

Numerous tube-like colonies now apparently exist in the solar system.It’s never fully explained how Cooper Station was constructed. If time is a physical dimension which allows “they” to navigate to all events past, present and future; this presupposes all events have already occurred and “they” simply move from event-to-event, from one point in time to another. It’s love, Nolan would like us to believe, that saves the universe, and perhaps love that exists as a quantifiable higher dimension, better understood by future civilisations. Good work SirI’ve watched this movie twice already and may revisit it yet again after reading your summary. If so, then fear not, as myself along with Early on in the film we learn that the US government has secretly been funding a NASA project to find humankind a new home – since Earth is being ravaged by the airborne disease known as ‘The Blight’ that turns crop to dust (and can no longer sustain agriculture). Because it’s a wormhole, the planets could be billions of galaxys away, so even with the time change thing Cooper won’t reach the planet until Amelia has died. A newly discovered wormhole in the far reaches of our solar system allows a team of astronauts to go where no man has gone before, a planet that may have the right environment to sustain human life. If time is transcended, free will cannot exist. So yeah, it seem the little fella was unfortunate enough to be called Cooper Cooper. But in Finally, he takes the quantum data that TARS has collected from the black hole’s singularity – data which could only be observed from within the black hole – and sends it, via morse code, to the second hand of Murph’s watch. If you watched Interstellar and didn’t fully understand its time dilation and loops complexities, the following timeline — made by Reddit user sto-ifics42 — explains it all clearly.
For those of you who have already seen the film, we've got an intriguing infographic for you to check out from Reddit user All names, trademarks and images are copyright their respective owners. “Our destiny lies above us” may also elude to predestination, hence themes of free will. Everything that can happen, has happened. 2014-11-11T21:30:00Z The letter F. An envelope.

And it’s implied that the ultra-advanced civilisation are in fact humans from the future, who have mastered quantum mechanics to the extent where they exist in five dimensions – that is, they can move forwards and backwards in time and space with ease. The number of possibilities of spacetime moments for just that one room, however are way too immense for any intelligence to pinpoint the correct 3 instances that coop needs to communicate everything to murph and his younger self.Its only coops love that can “transcend space and time” that is able to find the right moments. why just NASA, what was to do with NASA? Coop sees Murph’s bedroom, from when she is 10 years old, and every moment in that time is presented through infinite physical lines which Coop is able to travel through and experience.He is moving around time physically, just as Dr. For those confused by the film's fifth dimension, The Tesseract, there's a mini-explainer on that, too. The film "Interstellar" relies on real science for many of its stunning visuals. The gravitational anomalies observed by Coop, Murph and Professor Brand lead to a complete reevaluation of the scientific understanding of gravity.If the Earth is dying, a mass evacuation of humanity is nearly impossible with current rocket propulsion technology. A life of ridicule awaits the young nipper I’ve never done as much reading up on a film as I have for this one. It could have been built even closer. The gravity equation seeks to manipulate gravity, using the anomalies, in order to “get a viable amount of fuel and life off the planet”.Brand has been attempting to “solve gravity” for 40 years, to no avail; he’s even built his entire facility as a space station in preparation. Well, “they” are humanity which stemmed from normal humanity in the first place from an earlier branch.

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interstellar timeline explained

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